Bad Eventer – Working Student??

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Recently a close friend asked me what I REALLY wanted to do with my life.

After hemming and hawing……..

I said I wanted to sell everything and get a working student position with one of the top eventers in the world.

I think his head spun around three times, before he said, “Wow, that’s not the answer I was expecting.”

I told him it had crossed my mind several times………..

but I was a bit……ah hem……

a bit passed that point in my life.


I just saw that Boyd Martin is looking for a new working student.

And I thought……….hhhhhm, how amazing would it be for Bad Eventer to become Boyd Martin’s working student.

I was reading the posting…………

“This position is not suitable for 99% of the people out there.”

That’s no problem.

I’m pretty sure Bad Eventer is not like 99% of the people out there.

“for a desperately hungry young rider”

Well…….. the young part is an issue.

And I’ve been able to pay my rent for a long time, so I’m not hungry in that sense…..

However, if hungry is the willingness to muck stalls endlessly……

ride horses in the rain………..

and do trot sets when it’s below freezing…..

all while putting in an 18hour day dreaming of leaving the start box at Rolex………….

Well that’s just a normal day for me anyway…………..

The age thing is probably a deal breaker,

BUT I ride 4+ horses a day.

I’ve been training for a Tough Mudder…..

and I’m completely used to working 16-18 hour days.

After all, I ride horses(often in the dark) before work.
Work 12 hours
and then ride horses (often in the dark) after work.

And then sometimes, I work some more hours after that.

Another sunrise from horse back

 I may be older than dirt, but I’m pretty sure I can work circles around most 20 year olds.

Surely having a veterinary license would be a plus for a working student??

The glamour of large animal medicine…..

I can expertly auscult gut sounds in all quadrants while I’m mucking stalls.

I can braid with the best.

I can wrap with the best.

But that whole body clipping thing…………………..

Even if I manage to get a fake ID to lower my age by a decade (cough cough…..or so)
That body clipping problem…………just might be the deal breaker.

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7 thoughts on “Bad Eventer – Working Student??

  1. Aramat Farm

    Bad Eventer, you are my kindred. I just took a veterinary sabbatical to be a working student. And I am (ahem…) old enough to remember seeing the original Footloose in the theater. You inspired me to start a blog documenting my comedic failures as a rider at
    Happy jumping!

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