Divorce….. Marriage Counseling……

………or maybe just some reverse psychology.

I wanted a divorce.

From my horse.

I cannot remember being so FRUSTRATED with a partner of any kind in years…….



Sick to my stomach?

Oh hell yes.


You bet.

But that complete and utter frustration that turns into a seething cauldron of dread………..that’s where I’ve been with this pony for far too long.

Everyone else LOVES this horse.

Professional #1………..told me to buy him. She said if he didn’t want to be an event horse, SHE wanted him for a Grand Prix dressage horse.

Maybe that should have been my first warning!

Professional #2………..thought he was my ride to the Rolex………at that point I was pretty sure we’d never make it to beginner novice. We couldn’t make a 30 meter turn then.

Professional #3……….liked him so much he managed to get the ride himself for an entire season. Heck, I didn’t want to ride him then for sure!  

Professional #4………….”But he’s the nice one! You can’t BUY a trot like that!! Give me 6 months……..if you still hate him in 6 months THEN you can sell him!!”

So I marked 6 months on my calendar and started counting the days.

180…….will I ever make it……………

It wasn’t long before I was crying in my beer with a friend in the same boat. She and her long time pony partner had definitely gotten to the “needs counseling” phase. They had both gone for pony & rider boot camp to fix their marriage………. and it hadn’t exactly gone well.

Eating some dirt had been involved.


Some outright terror had been involved.


And there were some candid words said to the effect of……………..”If riding this horse doesn’t make you happy……and you dread every time you get on it………perhaps a “change” is in order???”


OK, let’s be real. This isn’t about buying a new pair of work shoes, or changing the curtains in the house. We are talking DIVORCE. And horse divorce is serious stuff.


How many riders gave more thought and hand wringing about divorcing their last horse than their last spouse??

If you’ve been around horse people for awhile you know what I’m talking about.


Then my most fantastic wonderful wonder horse………THE one and only Wonder Pony got very very sick and nearly died.

Disaster had truly struck for Bad Eventer and her never ending quest to Rolex become Mediocre Eventer.

And I found myself with only the demon spawn to ride. I will NEVER understand why anyone actually WANTS to ride a warmblood.

My level of frustration hit an all new high.

I was forcing myself to ride this horse, and finding myself rather uncharacteristically emotional about riding this big, difficult, dumbblood while my most fantastic, wonderful wonder pony was slowly recovering from his entirely too long glimpse at the light at the end of the tunnel.

Then……..it happened…………….

The conversation went something like this.

“I’ve been thinking about it, and perhaps you’ve gotten too much pressure to ride this horse. You have a horse you LOVE……

that makes you smile. If you don’t want to ride this one, let’s sell him and find you another Wonder Pony that you enjoy riding.”

Hear the music??!!


It was like the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders.

Someone made an interesting comment on one of my last blogs (which was about how frustrating this horse is),

                       “Ha Ha Bad Eventer…. It is very difficult to move from a horse that moves off of your very thought to one that you must “highly encourage” all of the time…. The challenge of a great horse person is to be good with all types.”


OK. For the record….

Bad Eventer’s goal….

is NOT…..

to be a great horse person.

 the name is BAD Eventer afterall

But all of a sudden I found myself riding this horse with an entirely new look on the project.

I thought, “It doesn’t really matter how this goes because I don’t HAVE to ride him”……..and I LOWERED my expectations…..

It was nearly…………. magical.

I started shrugging when he didn’t do what I asked.

And I started expecting him to be bad (he’s always…. overly enthusiastic about any cue at first, trot means gallop and slow down means halt…..there are no grey areas with him.)

And then…….over a couple of weeks or so…………I started kind of …….well sort of……..liking the ride.

I don’t understand it, but lately I’ve actually been patting his neck a bit and telling him what a good boy he is.

Tonight I came home from work a little early and I had about 45 minutes of daylight. As I was doing the SuperMan style clothing change from vet garb to Bad Eventer garb…..

 I asked my husband to do me a big favor and bring him up for me because I was losing daylight by the second……….

He asked me twice which horse I was requesting because I don’t think he believed I was going to squeeze my only ride of the day in……. on that one.

 I guess the divorce can wait.

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7 thoughts on “Divorce….. Marriage Counseling……

  1. TeresaA

    lol when I started riding my 4 year old he dumped me almost every ride. He had a buck that was deadly. I got so good at being bucked off that 8/10 times I would land on my feet holding the reins. I have no idea how I did that. I decided that I needed to preserve my bones and sell him. But I can't sell a bucking horse. so I decided to work on that and then sell him.

    8 years later and he's out in my paddock munching hay and wondering when his servant is going to fill his hay box.

  2. April Frost

    One of my very best horses was a Trakhner that my trainer urged me to take on. I thought she was nuts for suggesting it. The very best rider in the barn hated her…How the heck was *I* supposed to handle her??? Lord knows the first several months weren't pretty. No lead change, no brakes…not taking off, just not STOPPING 😛 She could jump the moon but that was about it!
    Two years later…a first place ribbon at the national finals, too many high point ribbons for the state/zone/nation to count, and some of the most incredible memories and experiences in my life…*sigh* I GUESS my trainer was right!
    She made me the rider I am today. She got me so attuned to my sense of feel, got me brave, soft, and that elusive elastic style of going? Yeah, that's all she would accept, so I got pretty good at that 😉
    Sometimes the ones that seem flat out wrong can be the best ones. Boyd Martin has said before that he thinks great horses, like great athletes in any sport, tend to be a bit…different. They're high strung, not cuddly, too much attitude, or have one (or a couple) of a seemingly endless list of quirks. Some of the best show hunters in the country are actually extremely unreliable to the jumps–they're such careful jumpers, if they get run into one too many, they'll try to quit. All of Boyd Martin's best horses are wind suckers. If you honest to God do NOT mesh with a horse, yeah, sell it! This sport is too expensive to be torturing ourselves and the horses. But if you can stick it out, sometimes those tough guys can be the best ones for you 🙂 Best of luck!!!

  3. Hillary

    Glad you seem to be getting on with him now! Hopefully you can keep up the no pressure and continue to enjoy him!

  4. Equine Snob

    Sometimes, they just start growing up so fast, don't they? 😉
    It is exciting to hear that things are coming together!

  5. zebradreams07

    This totally just happened to me. I've been eventing my "dream horse" for three years now and we've never really clicked. Last year I thought, well, Training was our goal, let's make it happen and then sell him for a decent price and move on. That never happened but a few months ago I started riding a horse I really DO click with and wondered why I had wasted 3 years on the wrong horse. Got him listed and started riding with the intention of trying to improve him for the sake of selling rather than my own goals. Suddenly everything is working, we're making breakthroughs every other day and have brought home three ribbons (and not participation ribbons!) Maybe one more season??

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