I’m fascinated with medical history…
and often wonder things like what a 19th century physician would think of a modern day surgery kit.
We’ve come a long way since then…..
sort of.
I recently got a new pony.
His name is Klumsy.
Yes. Really.
And while Bad Eventer riding a horse named Klumsy……
is WRONG in so many ways.
I just HAD to go with it.
Klumsy is only a 5 year old……
but he’s been pin fired.
For some reason……
I thought that barbaric practice had ended………..
you know……….back in the stone age.
I had planned to make some jokes about the advances of modern medicine………… and how I was especially glad they don’t practice things liks cupping anymore……
Until I discovered………
much to my horror………that they STILL Practice cupping!!
It amazes me that some practices haven’t been relegated to the history books.
So much has changed in medicine.
100 years ago appendicitis was a death sentence and thousands of people died of tetanus. Now, that just doesn’t happen and a tetanus death is completely news worthy.
Did you know that General Robert E. Lee’s favorite horse Traveller died from tetanus?
But with all the advances in modern medicine……… somehow……. somewhere people still think burning horses with hot pokers…..
or people with hot glass cups……….. is a good idea…..
I’m not sure why I’m surprised…………….. I suppose THESE people are still out there too…………..
Pin Firing Trivia
In AD 500, in the first written report of the firing of horse’s legs, Publius Vegetius Renatus doubted the efficacy of the procedure.
My 6 yo OTTB (who I acquired in March) has also been pin-fired. I was shocked to see it… I thought that practice had gone out of style years ago. Apparently not. 🙁
Yep, still done on the standardbred racing circuit as common practice….yikes!
I don't know much about it and actually didn't realize it was a literal 'firing', yikes!