In case you missed Part 1
BadEventer has always wanted to ride a mechanical bull, and the lure of being thrown off a mechanical horse was more than she could resist.
In part 2, we talked safety, rider responsibility, why we should all learn how to fall & introduced our cast of characters.
On to part 3!
The first day started with some stretching & concept introduction. This is where I remembered how incredibly BAD I was in gymnastics.
As a child I was thrown out quit gymnastics after about 2 weeks due to my overall lack of aptitude for the discipline.
Fortunately you don’t have to be a world class gymnast to learn how to fall and we started slowly.
I fully admit when they said eventually we’d be doing “dive rolls” over a tower of mats, I didn’t think THAT was ever going to happen…………….
Shockingly, with plenty of fun and hilarity we all got there.
When we got to the horse we started slowly, with extra padding and a spotter.
Zach was the first victim volunteer.
And when it was my turn, I was NOT disappointed!
The first time, in true BadEventer style, I landed on my head!
Boy is THAT a good reason to take the Landsafe Reducing Rider Risk clinic!
Click here for Part 4 of Bad Eventer & the Bad Event Groom go to the LandSafe – Reducing Rider Risk clinic!