I’ve made a big life choice recently.
I’ve been muddling along trying to juggle riding a bunch of horses & working full time……
for a bit too long.
When I left Texas to become “The World’s Oldest Working Student” this little adventure was supposed to be short term.
One – year.
I was going to spend a year riding full time
& when I ran out of money (which wouldn’t take very long) I was going to figure out what the next chapter of my life would be.
And then in the strangest of circumstances I became my father’s guardian.

I’m the one in the back.
I definitely didn’t see that coming.
And it put everything in a bit of a holding pattern.
I was still in Florida (so was Dad)
& I was still riding (sort of).
And to afford it all I was still working (way too much)
The BadEventHusband was always supportive, “Honey, that giant trakehner is just – a – log.”
I was floating down a river with little aim, letting it take me where it went.
Then I broke my leg.
And then my arm.
My Dad passed.
And it turned out my new job didn’t have a flexible enough schedule to accommodate an upper level eventing show season.
I had to make some decisions.
Along the way, one thing I realized is that I just can’t do it all.
Being an upper level rider takes way more fitness than anything I’ve ever done.
Having upper level horses requires way more riding, in all weather……..

I really do HATE riding in the rain.
The mere thought of continuing at this pace for another couple of years makes me down right nauseous.
So I’ve decided to take a break from work to focus on those blue numbers.

I’m still not sure why I’m so driven to check that box.
In warm up last weekend a super experienced professional said to me,”Going advanced really isn’t a big accomplishment unless you do it on a horse that really shouldn’t be going that level to begin with.”
I understand what he meant. Don’t leave the start box on something without talent & rideability for the level.
But for us mere mortals, even on a talented willing mount, I think it’ll still be a pretty big accomplishment.
So at least for now,
I’m taking a break from work to focus on chasing those blue numbers.