Bad Eventer’s Rolex Trip – Top 10 Moments (cont’d… again)

Bad Eventer and the Bad Event Groom had an amazing journey to the 2013 Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event.

Here are our Top Ten Favorite moments! (cont’d….again)


Finding a new “partner in crime.”

Early the first day…. while the grand stands were still empty…. 

yes yes we really were there FIRST.

I know you can’t  I M A G I N E  Bad Eventer a little overzealous about being first???

I found myself sitting next to a man who was offering some rather Bad Eventer-ish style commentary.

As it turned out he was not just a rider but an eventer too! We were the most neurotic first three to arrive every single day and we quickly bonded while drinking mimosas for breakfast and made a pact each day to save seats for each other.

He was fun and funny, and we had a fantastic 4 days together………doing things like making snarky comments about how 4 star riders received a 3 or 4 in dressage for significantly MORE naughtiness in the same move that I had gotten a ONE for…….

Just Sayin!

We had such fun!! I can’t wait to hang out with our new partner in crime…. again!


The Bad Event Team’s fantastic course walk with Jonathan Holling.

It just doesn’t get any better than that, and in case you missed it, here’s the story.


I watched (indisputably) one of the TOP eventers in the world, do his very best Bad Eventer impersonation.

He flopped into the first water in total Bad Eventer style.

Think he’s a fan??

And then later in the day….. he RETIRED at the same jump with his (then) 1st place horse.

Now, don’t misunderstand. I hated his bad luck and felt sufficiently sad that he didn’t have a great go……..but I recognized the problem………. He’d had a bit of an awkward jump at the combination before and his trusty…… experienced…….. international…… partner decided he didn’t want to play anymore.

He rounded the corner to the water, and his lovely steed said…… “NOPE”.

William sat back and said “YES”, and the reply from his partner………….. “Sorry man, I said I was done.”


I had an immediate deja vu………… having ridden that SAME ride (minus the 4 star jumps of course) not too far back…………. Bad Eventer had her first “R”. You can read the whole story here “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

If it happens to William Fox-Pitt………………..

there might just…………… be hope for Bad Eventer after all……………….

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