Yesterday Bad Event Groom had the interesting idea that we should ask Jonathan Holling if he had any time for a course walk.
It seemed like a crazy idea but after going through all the possible responses…….
1. Not in a million years
2. Sorry, I cannot possibly be seen in public within 50 feet of Bad Eventer
3. Um……NO!
4. and the ever popular ………….. ignore the call/text/smoke signal……………
We decided to go ahead and ask…………..
And to our great delight his reply was, “Absolutely!!”
I then found myself walking out of the start box on the Kentucky Three Day Event Cross Country Course as if I was actually planning on … know……RIDING it.
I pretended I wasn’t completely overwhelmed by the idea of jumping fence 3 & 4
and that I wasn’t ready to bow out there………………………..yeah…….about that……
I was delighted but a bit terrified about this amazing opportunity.
Don’t say the wrong thing.
Don’t ask too many stupid questions.
You know………don’t be too much …….. BAD EVENTER.
Then I was reminded that when Jon won Bromont…………………..
he made a certain run……… in front of a certain sign……… minus some certain ……………apparel………….
“A new eventing tradition thanks to Jon Holling: Celebratory streaking”
That seems like such a totally Bad Eventer type thing to do………I thought maybe we had something in common after all………………
About 1/2 way around I got brave enough to ask if he’d do a Bad Eventer interview for me…………
I did THANK him during the interview, but Bad Event Groom hit the stop button before the thank you……..yes, yes we are a Bad Event TEAM.
We offered to stop when we got a little further on the course, not wanting to steal too much time, but he graciously said no worries and proceeded to walk us through the ENTIRE Rolex course.
There were some blisters involved in walking all 6500 meters but NO ONE was going to make a peep in complaint.
Jon was kind, funny, informative, and as we approached the last fence I was dreaming of moving to Florida to ride with him…….. Bad Eventer needs all the help she can get……….
Jon Holling is definitely my new favorite person.
I am so ridiculously green with envy! And that is way cool!!
Okay…so HOW did you ask him??? What did you say??? When?? WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME WITH YOU?!!?!?? 😉