My show boots had salt crystals all over them where I had sweat through the leather at the last show.
(Ok, they weren’t that bad but they were pretty gross.)
I’m very diligent about cleaning up all my show equipment immediately after a big weekend so that there are no surprises when we head out next time.
My boots seemed to be the one item that had missed the whirling tornado of cleaning from last time.
I glanced at them yesterday morning when we arrived at Stable View vaguely cataloging when I’d be polishing them up before dressage. My times aren’t until 2pm so I mentally I gave myself eons to get it done…….
I was wandering around this amazing property pondering how anything that looks like this…..
could be called a “work shed”…..when I ran into the fearless leader who offered to help me with the boys – well – right then.
My leisurely day became a hustle & I tossed on my gear & headed to the warm up.
It was an “all star” field in the warmup ring. BadEventer found herself dodging around a half passing, counter cantering, & serpentining, Boyd, Joe, Clayton, and more.
I had this small moment of feeling like I’d “made it.”
I was spiraling in at the canter on my BIG fancy dinosaur…..
when I felt a breeze at my back & had this dawning horror that my shirt might be untucked in the back……..flapping in the wind proving to all in the ring what an imposter I was.
I couldn’t let go of the reins in that moment to check for my flapping humiliation & I felt myself starting to sweat.
That’s when I flash backed to a stern talking to I had received about 5 years ago. It was a 100 degree day. I arrived for a lesson with a top trainer & my horse had salt crystals on top of her hips & a pretty long mane.
As I headed for the ring my soon-to-be full time coach flagged me down, pointed at the mane & salt flecks & proceeded to explain how unacceptable my turn out was.
“Clean horses, clean equipment, pulled manes……..if you want to be special you have to look special.”
Needless to say my horses & tack were spit polished for the next lesson. Of course, being Bad Eventer something DID go wrong, see “I’m a highly skilled surgeon”
for THAT story.
Back to my dressage school on the Zebrasaurus yesterday.
Reminder: I’m at StableView…. I’m riding in a ring with far too many Olympians…… I think my shirt “might” be untucked but it’s a maybe so I’m trying not to panic.
And that’s when I realized with horror that my show boots are disgusting beyond belief & I’m proving once again that BadEventer is in the house.