I think that would be a cute horse name, Technical Difficulty. Heck, it might already BE a cute horse name………..
Anyway! I’ve wanted to make a cross country helmet cam video since Peter Atkins posted his first one.
I pined away for a helmet cam, and according to my husband “a man in a red suit” brought me one.
So I’ve had this helmet cam for <cough cough> several years now.
I vividly remember the first time I planned to wear it on cross country.
I put on my vest.
I put on my air vest.
I put on my pinny holder.
I put on my 4 star helmet, which is much heavier than the helmet I wear normally.
I added the helmet cam to the top of the helmet, and I immediately decided that the heavy, super tough helmet plus helmet cam would just topple me right over.
I envisioned losing my balance and falling off like so many dominoes. I had this flash that my helmet cam video might become some horrifying version of the Faces of Death videos……………………
I ripped off the helmet cam immediately and gave up on the “BadEventer helmet cam video project” for quite a long time.
This weekend however……… I was feeling particularly confident.
Things have been going well. Stadium went exceptionally well.
And with nothing on course I was having nightmares about……………….<just WHEN did THAT happen?>
I decided it might be the time to try the helmet cam again.
This time when I strapped it on, I decided I probably wouldn’t notice it after all.
This was my CHANCE! The world would finally get a BadEventer helmet cam video.
I was right.
I didn’t notice it, so effectively, that the first course I completely forgot to turn it on.
Fortunately I had another chance, and while I did manage to turn it on the second time around.
I did not manage to effectively charge the battery.
So click here for BadEventer’s first cross country helmet cam video, jump 1-8! While the video didn’t finish the course BadEventer and the Zebrasaurus did finish! Clean! In their first Prelim together!
Go Zebrasaurus!
Check out the dino-style mane that my fabulous groom Kerri surprised me with! That’s serious talent!
Stay tuned for more about this weekend………………………