The Tough Mudder was a huge achievement.
I felt amazing & strong………………………..
……..until we got to one of the very last obstacles. It was this insane mud covered wall you had to climb using pegs that you had to put in and pull out as you go.
When I got to the top I could barely get my leg over it. This was a solid 4 hours in, and while I did finally feel the muscle fatigue coming on, I was pretty darn proud that it took 4 hours slogging through – in – & over – craziness to reach it.
When I used to do 50 mile endurance races, I always felt pretty good during the race.
and it was only in the shower after the fact……. that I would discover all the areas missing skin.
The Tough Mudder was no different and my knees looked a lot better covered in mud.
So here’s where things get interesting.
I have an UNBELIEVABLY BOUNCY pony whose trot I’ve found nearly impossible to sit.
I admit to being thrilled relieved when he bounced the cell phone right out of my coach’s pocket. Really. He’s bouncy.
My previous attempts at sitting trot had resulted in missing skin in all kinds of places.
But after coming back from the Tough Mudder and getting ready to sit the trot……..
I thought, “Oh well…….
It’s not like falling down in mud while getting shocked by 10,000 volts or anything.”
And there it was. I found my sitting trot.
Who knew?!!