“Maybe you should take up reining?”
I was counting how many competitions I’ve done this year.
And looking at how many I’ve done in the past few years since I started eventing again.
For those that don’t know I took a 10 year break from jumping and did
every other horse sport I could think of…..
But then I came back to eventing. And since my return…..
Without counting schooling shows, jumper shows, or cross country schooling days I’ve started 129 recognized competitions.
That’s a lot of dressage scores
jumper rounds
and cross country spins.
So I guess my time was up.
This weekend, I bobbled off left when my pony went right
I got………
40 years of competitions and this was my very first injury while competing.
There were plenty of peanut gallery comments after my injury…………..
Perhaps you should just do dressage?
How long are you going to keep doing this?
Maybe you should try reining?