I couldn’t figure out why there were no ride times…..
I realized I just might be in trouble when someone informed me, “That’s how they do it at a CCI event.”
Fitting in riding, working, and everything else in my life these days has been a bit of a crush and I hadn’t exactly had time to contemplate my first CCI…….
When I found out there are no ride times until after the jog, I quickly realized I probably need jog CLOTHES. In short order I was informed, “Why yes, you’ll need jog clothes! Nice ones! Two DIFFERENT sets!”
I checked my itty bitty closet (and yes, I really do STILL live in a horse trailer)
I have riding clothes,
work clothes
and wait for it………….
RV living requires sacrifices and BadEventer has priorities.
Fortunately one of my work outfits just happened to match my horse and wah-lah, a $9 dollar dress I bought at WalMart became the perfect jog outfit. As a good friend commented, “Ya’lls dapples match!!”
Bad Eventer & The Zebrasaurus = ACCEPTED!!
Stay tuned for dressage day…..