Ok, so part 1 wasn’t much about the Jockey Club. It was all about my head spin down memory lane.
Sorry about that.

Now back to the action!
Day 1 started with the coldest & windiest day we’ve had in – oh probably 9 or 10 months.

Before today it’s been hot.
Unseasonably hot, even for Florida.
So when I ordered a cute little summer dress to wear for the jog I didn’t think anything about it.
Heck just 2 days ago I was completely soaked with sweat.
So this dress I ordered, looked cute in the photo, and was about $12. Because when it comes to “non-horse” attire I just can’t stomach spending any significant amount of money on it. I would NEVER buy a dress for say……. $20.

And of course the honest answer is that I’ve worn the same dress for the last several jogs (that would be all of them – ever – actually).

And someone said, “Are you going to wear something different?”

It had never actually dawned on me not to just keep wearing the same dress.

What’s wrong with that?
But when it came down to it, that dress matched the horse.

And he’s not coming to this particular event so I guess it was finally time to shell out $12 and get a second option.
But when it arrived, it had all this “room” eh hem, above the waist. For items The BadEventer does not need “room” for!

It looked ridiculous. Like a balloon with half the air.

I briefly considered just “ stuffing” it.

But the horror of doing a formal inspection while trailing stuffing down the jog strip made that seem like a poor choice.
And I thought, oh well, I guess I’ll have to wear my favorite dress anyway! It’s still hanging in the trailer from last time.

But then I remembered this garment that I wore in my wedding.
Did you know they make adhesive bras?

Here’s the remarkable part. I bought a pair of fancy rubber ice boots about 18 months ago, stored them in the house & they’ve fallen apart. But this 12yr old rubber adhesive bra is still in perfect condition, still soft, and still adhesive! Maybe the ice boot company should team up with the bra company?

But now, this was really happening.

I was still worried about a very public wardrobe malfunction so I put another bra over it.
And then one more.

I would just not survive if it fell out in front of the ground jury.
The results were……
