After months on the mend, this was a big weekend for the BadEvent team.
With horses the best laid plans are often…………sidelined.
And this weekend was either going to be a big come back or……………….maybe not.
I was well on my way to Advanced with The Zebrasaurus when I broke myself.

Photo by Shannon Brinkman
And that sidelined everything.
For months.
SpiderWoman also had an injury and has been making a slow return to action, this weekend was to be her first Prelim in 18 months.
She is not exactly known forĀ ……..good behavior.
What could possibly go wrong?
And then the newest member of the team
has been testing out some interesting dance moves lately.
To say I was a little concernedĀ about my return to action plan would be a fair statement.
But I charged full speed ahead and entered 3 horses.
The dressage judges were accurate but
less than generous.
When FoxxyCleopatra stayed in the ring and didn’t buck me off, I decided still being in the game would just have to be good enough.
Then I lost my stirrup on SpiderWoman down the center line and trying to get it back resulted in some interesting dolphin moves.
The Zebrasurus was settled, but he wasn’t quite the judge’s favorite and we ended up 5th after dressage.
After being the serious DQ (dressage queen) at the last show
with all sub 30 & winning dressage scores……..bringing up the rear was a little disappointing.
But a number is still better than a letter…………….
so we were off to the next phase.
To be continued……
A Big Weekend – Part 2 Show Jumping