Hot Flashes and Horses

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Woman with sun hat drinking water

11 months ago I left my fancy house with a pool………

BE House pool

to follow my dreams & ride with a top notch trainer full time.

BE left behind

He really didn’t know what he was getting into.

crazy monster

By the way……..anyone looking for a REALLY nice house WITH A POOL & an awesome arena in Texas?????



When I arrived in the armpit of hell Florida on September 1st I made a small vow NEVER to spend July, August, or September in Florida again.

BE heat stroke DP

Well………..I’m still here.

BE Zima jump hot

And I would LOVE to cash in on all the bets out there on how long I would last in my horse trailer. The fearless leader made a bold one. He laid money on me being in a house in 6 months.

Time to Pay up!

Show Me the Money Check Payday Earnings Wages

While I’ve been RV-ing it & sweating myself to death this summer  I’ve been thinking about some of the hotter and more ridiculous Bad Eventer moments of my life.

BE BE face 2 BE

Several years ago I had a mare that needed Regumate for a breeding.

Let’s talk about Regumate.

BE doctor face DP

It’s a hormone that mimics pregnancy. It comes in an oil based solution. The label says “women of childbearing age should exercise extreme caution when handling this product. Accidental absorption could lead to a disruption of the menstrual cycle or prolongation of pregnancy.”

Pretty Woman with a Magnifying Glass in front of her Face

Notice it said “absorption”.

That’s because you can absorb it through your skin.

BE caution exclamation DP

I was getting it ready to give my mare right before work. When I tipped the bottle up it leaked around the cap and it POURED all down my arm.

fear face 3

Because the massive amounts of hormones in a bottle of regumate are in an oil base, when you get it on your skin it takes SOAP and WATER to get it off.

I began SPRINTING for the house!

Cue Chariots of Fire

By the time I reached a sink and soap I had probably absorbed enough progesterone for 4……..or maybe 5 elephants.

Managing Risk

An hour or so later while I was driving to work an OnStar commercial came on.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing an OnStar commercial they typically depict someone who has just had a car accident. An OnStar dispatcher talks to the driver and says something like, “Don’t worry, help is on the way.”


I started sobbing.

crying smiley face



And for the record, I’m not much of a cryer.

I called work and explained that I’d accidentally absorbed a Noah’s ark worth of pregnancy hormones and I was crying at an Onstar commercial. My manager said, “TURN AROUND AND GO HOME RIGHT NOW. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT COME TO WORK.”

Big Val

Words of wisdom from BadEventer = Never underestimate hormones.






Be sure to check out our fabulous sponsor RoadID!

Road ID

Their app is fantastic & they have a great sense of humor. Besides! You have to wear an ID band on XC so help a girl out & tell them BadEventer sent you!



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