Bad Eventer & The Black Stallion

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I had taken Baby Seabiscuit to the warm up area on a lunge line.
It was our first schooling show & I hadn’t really expected any shenanigans…… I acquired this guy as a project because of his QUIET temperament…… and overall lack of excitement about……. anything.
Yeah, that’s us.
At home, he’s pretty darn bombproof.
We had wandered down to warm up at our first show to look around……… and the next thing I know I have a rearing screaming baby horse on a rope!!
My instructor, who had not yet met Baby Seabiscuit yells from across the field,
Not knowing what to expect we barely survived muddled through the schooling show.
Photo by Terrie Hatcher
 ………..I was more prepared for our first outing at the real thing, but I still fully expected that my work was cut out for me.
 In spite of my preparation, he spent the first SEVERAL hours at the show doing this…



A Pre-Ride (……um make that three) helped us survive dressage, while staying IN the ring and finishing in the middle of the field.
That was huge progress compared with last time where not only did he spook continuously, he put 3 feet OUT of the ring.
Photo by Terrie Hatcher
Cross country was after dressage……………..

and in spite of prep

and more prep….

and um……even more prep

He managed to pull a spook & spin move in warm up that left me with a black eye.

See “Warm Up Survival” for a photo of Bad Eventer’s black eye!

The first jump went well……….

……..but then he took issue with cantering towards the very busy interstate.
 Big trucks zipping by at 80mph behind his next jump was more than Baby Seabiscuit could manage.
This next move will definitely go down in the Bad Eventer history books.


Bad Eventer loves her Baby Horses………….well…………sometimes!
Photo & Video Credits:
Thank You Terrie Hatcher & RNS Video for getting my Bad Eventer moments!

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5 thoughts on “Bad Eventer & The Black Stallion

  1. Breezy

    terribly awesome riding, as the previous poster said the last video when you stuck the buck was impressive too!

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