Bad Eventer Won the Olympics!!

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So it wasn’t the Olympics……….

and we didn’t actually WIN…………

but seriously……….

it was close enough.

Depending on where you jumped into this journey with me, you may remember my abundance of emotion when I finally, at long last, completed my first Prelim.

That was NO SMALL FEAT……….. and it took 30 years to get there.

Jumping around my first clean cross country on……………….


was also no small accomplishment.

There have been MANY nay sayers along the way. I cannot count how many people asked me why I’m still riding him. There was many a totally justified concern for my safety, and a handful of professionals who went out of their way to let me know they saw “no talent there”.

But when it came down to it, if Bad Eventer, who is willing to spend months and years taking baby steps with a horse can’t help this one become a safe partner, what will become of him?

So I buckled down and tried every approach possible…………

After total desperation we found the one that gave us the big breakthrough…………

See Coming Out of the Closet for the details.

With some solid improvement and basics on board, our first show back still involved a dozen “reversals of direction” on cross country.

My poor Chicken Little has the “spin & bolt” down to an art. HOWEVER!! It was still an improvement because this time he didn’t actually REAR.

Small Steps.

Small Steps.

After a couple weeks of boot camp expert instruction, & a somewhat unsuccessful schooling show, we headed out this weekend to give it another go.

If nothing else Bad Eventer gets an A+ for persistence.

In spite of CRAZY WIND and cold temperatures we had our LEAST spooky dressage test to date.

It was the first time he didn’t bolt away from the judge, or try to leave the ring at A.

HUGE accomplishment.

Cross Country was next, and my only goal was not to do any spinning and bolting. Our last time around a course involved DOZENS of time penalties because we spent more time going the wrong direction, than the RIGHT direction!!

This weekend……………..he bravely cantered around the course and we ACTUALLY AMAZINGLY made time.

I admit it…… I cried a bit when we crossed the finish line. It may not be Rolex. But a double clear round at Beginner Novice on THIS HORSE was Rolex enough for me.

Show jumping rounded out our fantastic weekend with a brave, forward round with NOT ONE spook/stop or spin. 

Bad Eventer & her Baby Seabiscuit WON THE OLYMPICS!!!!!

OK, ok….. it was 4th, and it was Beginner Novice.

Same Difference.




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9 thoughts on “Bad Eventer Won the Olympics!!

  1. Aoife

    Woohoo, I am so delighted for you & Baby Seabiscuit. He has put you through the ringer, you are now the poster child for patience & perseverence (i have no idea how to spell that).
    I am so happy for you ☺☺☺☺☺

  2. T Myers

    I know the exact feeling – with a similar horse…that took me three years to be able to do a WTC dressage test. Congrats on the accomplishment and BRAVO for sticking with it and taking your time.

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